Education Insights
Gifted Education and High Potential Learners: Where to Begin?
After many years of coaching and mentoring educators to design a unique program for their gifted or, some might say, high-ability or high-potential learners, I have learned that the starting point is to create an inclusive, sustainable, and authentic framework that meets the specific needs of each school’s gifted/high-potential learners while reflecting the vision and mission of each school.
Going Deep or Going Solo?
Comparing the SOLO Curriculum Model and Webb's Depth of Knowledge for Gifted and Highly Able Learners.
Lighting Up Success: Evidence-Based Results with the SPARK Framework
Welcome to the world of gifted and talented education! Working with some of Australia's most talented young people as a teacher or coordinator is an amazing opportunity. But how do you start?
Leveraging Differentiation to Support High Achievers
There are many useful models for educators to use that provide valuable curriculum planning insight. Most teachers use a differentiated approach to meet the needs of the students in their classrooms.
Designing effective learning experiences for High Potential Learners
Let’s begin by having a broad understanding of the learning requirements of High Potential/Gifted and Talented Learners. So, you need a few key strategies to create a good learning environment for gifted and talented students.
Celebrating Exceptional Abilities in Schools
As a teacher, you will come across pupils who are gifted and have extraordinary talent in one or more areas. To assist these children in realising their full potential, specialised teaching methods and materials are needed to meet their specific learning demands.
Demystifying Frameworks for Gifted and High Potential Learners
Are you ready to take your students' learning to the next level? If you're working with gifted, high-potential, or high-ability learners, then understanding the framework elements for these students is crucial.
Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a preparation for life,education is life itself.